Spiritual Coaching & Healing
Do you want to deepen your spiritual connection?
Do you know that God is still creating you?
You may not always feel it, but it’s true!
God is refining your heart and literally making you into who you were always meant to be.
Sometimes we think it’s all up to us. That we’re just not doing it right.
Maybe it doesn’t have to be so hard.
Spiritual healing can mean different things to different people.
Those seeking any true healing (not just feeling better, or temporary symptom relief) are seeking spiritual healing at the very core of themselves.
The situations can be different: illness, bad decisions, grief, loss, abuse, neglect, rejection, betrayal and abandonment.
Life challenges create uncertainty and can cause you to question why things are happening, and what’s the meaning of all of it, anyway.
And where is God?
You deserve to heal from these traumas. Including the feeling or belief that God has abandoned you.
Have people abandoned you?
Sometimes it’s the very people you never expect that hurt you the most.
I received spiritual gifts during the recovery from betrayal and abandonment. By people – not by God.
I’ve walked through my own healing.
The learning is priceless.
I was blessed from birth with the gift of joy and sensitivity in the spiritual/emotional realms.
I’ve had many difficult situations during my life where I’ve had to walk through the fire alone.
God purified me in this process.
He strengthened my seeing, hearing, sensing and knowing in His Holy Spirit.
God is purifying you too.
I’m here for you while you’re in an uncertain place.
I’ll help remind you of Truth.
I’m here to help you clear your mind, mend your heart, and receive the spiritual healing that is available to you ALWAYS.
God leads me during sessions to uncover those things that are in the way of your healing, so you can learn to more fully trust in Him.
He wants to help you hear and know personally His guidance for you, too!
We’ll figure out a plan together for your healing.
I will help you develop a deep listening for God – releasing the barriers to trusting more fully.
You’ll be amazed at how Holy Spirit will heal and reveal, more than you can imagine!
All of my life, I’ve known Jesus Christ as my friend.
I’ve received guidance from the Holy Spirit each step of the way.
There were times I doubted this guidance.
And life got harder as a result.
I’ve sought to understand any person that may walk through my door for help and healing.
To this end, I have studied different religions and spiritual beliefs, and learned about many spiritual practices.
I believe God was teaching me these things…
…so that I could understand people more deeply, as well as fine tune my discernment, to show me what is Truth and what is not.
Many times, I’ve been alone with no one else to turn to except God. This has strengthened my discernment immensely.
After many years of being led by Spirit, I received a deeper anointing from Jesus in 2009 for healing and teaching.
Since then, many of my clients have received spontaneous healing during our time together.
Healing can also happen in more gradual ways.
One step at a time, we release the ways of the past and learn to embrace the higher ways of Truth.
Sometimes, there are important pieces to learn in order to heal.
It’s my calling to help people realize their own healing relationship with God.
I am happy to support you through spiritual healing and coaching. Call now (952) 220-5225 to talk about what you’re going through and how I can help!
“Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. Everyone who asks receives; everyone who searches finds; everyone who knocks will have the door opened.”